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How and where to reach us ...

Whatever stage of your purchase decision you are in, we are there to help you make the right choices of our products for your applications.

We provide an optimum and customer-oriented sales service, supporting you before you buy, during the ordering process and of course also after sales.

Germany of course is served by our German headquarters.

Global support is provided in cooperation with our International Partners.

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How to find us


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  • From the Frankfurt - Basel Autobahn 5, take exit no. 49 - Rastatt, about 20 km south of Karlsruhe, 10 km north of Baden-Baden.
  • From this exit, take the B 462 highway signposted Freudenstadt.
  • After about 18 km you will reach Gernsbach. The B 462 takes you directly into an underpass below the city center.
  • Some 1.5 km after the tunnel exit, take the left-hand slip road signposted "Lautenbach" and continue over a railroad crossing. You are now in Talstrasse. Follow the road. After another 700 meters the company buildings can be seen on the right-hand side of the road.

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